What is this blog & who does she think she is?

Actionable Plan No. 2
Being an artist means being ready. The actionable plan series continues.

Missing Out is Good
You missing out is the best thing that ever happened to you!

The Courage to Ask
Being an artist means being your own advocate.

Arts Education and Teaching | Meet Them Where They’re At
Everyone starts somewhere and the classroom is no exception. Tailor your expectations to your students.

Actionable Plan No. 1
It starts with yourself and it’s time to take action. Welcome to the Actionable Plan series.

End of Year Goals…Now?
Is it too late for end-of-the-year goals? Maybe not.

Life Isn’t Work and Work Isn’t Life
Our identities are so closely tied to our work, but what about everything else?

The Performance Life - Who Should Be In Charge…
It’s time to take ownership of who we are. Who’s the boss? You!

Thou Shalt Not Whine
Chamber music, like all performing arts, requires collaboration. Focus on the art, not on the self.

Network = Networth
Who you surround yourself with matters. People need people. The question is how do you find the right people?

You Are What You Practice
You are what you practice.

Follow the Fundamentals Then Follow the Dream?
We all have to start somewhere and it starts with the fundamentals.
The Clarinet Life started as a YouTube channel. Keeping it classically real with videos about clarinet stuff, chamber music and life as a performing artist. Don’t miss a video, subscribe today.

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