New Year Old Self
New Year’s resolutions, hmmm… It’s kinda superstitious in a way. But it feels good to start new and set new goals and imagine ourselves as better than last year.
Everyone deserves a fresh start. However, do we need the New Year to become the new person we desire to be? The reality is most people do not keep their resolutions, so what’s the point?
Well, I’m here to say that I am big on goal-setting but I think we have to change our mindset on how we do it. As a performing artist, human and goal-obsessed creature, I need to be realistic. Technically speaking when we come into the New Year it’s the old self coming into a new year.
For my performing artist community, how should we think of the New Year? Honestly, my year, month, season...mostly everything is dependent on what I do before the year, month or season. So if we want to see the progress we really need to plan, project, execute and progress forward (earlier rather than later).
Maybe simplifying things is a good lifestyle resolution. My overarching goal is to simplify my life and that means how I approach my music and personal life. I’m going to share with you some of my lifestyle goals that I believe will not only resonate with many people but will also complement all those goals I will be creating throughout the year. This is in homage to wanting to become a minimalist. Not that you need to be a minimalist but it is something that I aspire to be.
Clarity is Key
I want to make sure I really take the time to understand what someone needs, wants and what I need and want. This means taking the time to find out as much information as possible. I want to be able to use good discernment and ask the right questions at the right time to get the information I need. This also means that I need to become a better listener and observer and assume the best in everyone but at the same time be wise in saying yes or no to any potential opportunities.
For me, this means that I need to not procrastinate (guilty on all counts) and do my best on scheduling my current commitments, and plan things out better. (Man, this one point is a lot of work already!)
Become more vulnerable
This is a biggie. Networking, pacing one’s self, trying new things, taking chances and being open to risks, challenges and rejection. As I get older I become more detached from this world. I don’t feel the need to please people and I have a greater perspective on what deserves my urgent attention and what can be done a little later. Jumping on every little thing that needs to be done is not the best way to reduce stress. So I, personally, need to dial it down and focus a bit more on the best way to sequence action and energy. I also find myself pausing and questioning others and myself more.
In terms of networking and community. I want to be a part of a community that respects others, listens to new ideas, and is willing to get creative and try something new. Nothing worse than having big ideas and not finding the right people to collaborate with. I will be working on seeking more people and not limiting myself to who I meet, they don’t have to be of a certain industry either. That is a mistake that many people make. Don’t put limits on networking, you never know what possibilities will happen.
Keep it simple
I want to live a life of peace and creativity. This means letting go of distractions, excess and grasping reality in all its realness and beauty. This is the minimalist in me. I find that if my living space is cluttered I feel cluttered and disjunct. I am currently working on purging all the material items I don’t need. As a clarinetist, content creator and music educator, I have amassed amounts of work stuff. Recording equipment, sheet music, clarinet equipment, books and more books! So what about all the non-work things: clothes, makeup, food, paper, books (yes, too many books)… all of that stuff that magically grows without you even realizing it. ( NYC living means “cozy” spaces - this means you’re living in a closet that you can barely move in!)
Okay so there are some things that I will be working on, most likely some form of working out or exercising will be in the mix. Don’t be frustrated if you don’t get it right the first few times. I plan on starting small and seeing what sticks. All of these things will require time, patience and reassessing. Don’t be afraid to change your resolution if it is not serving you. We all evolve as human beings and what we think we need now might not be correct or it might change depending on our situation. Nothing wrong with evaluating new pivoting. You don’t need anyone’s permission to go in the direction that best suits you! So many times we seek permission and we don’t need to.
In general, resolutions are an attempt to change. How do we change, the best way is to gradually do it. A little each week can add up in the end of the month. So if you’re like me and you want to add in working out or eating healthier try changing one thing and try it for a week or two. Trying to go cold turkey and big, might set yourself up for failure and if you’re unmotivated you might find your resolution being swept back under the rug.
When we come into the new year we are our old selves but hopefully with a new mindset that will motivate us to become better.
Here’s to the New Year and working towards a better self.