Gig Life | What to Pack in Your Gig Bag

Make sure you have all the right stuff for your rehearsals and concerts. Nothing worse than getting close to your destination and you realize you could have packed some extra reeds or even worse, you actually forget something.

Preparation is important. Many times we have multiple performance engagements and they require different things. I like to have a bag or pouch with these things prepped already so I can throw it in my tote and just grab and go.


  • Score (can be on your tablet)

  • Sheet music (I personally have separate folders for each gig)

  • Extra music parts:  (this I put on the tablet, heaven forbid I forget my music, this is a back up. Note: if you are playing a part that has multiple editions this could be helpful, sometimes the edition you have is not the one the conductor or chamber mates are expecting- so be prepared)


  • Clarinet stand(s)

  • Tuner/metronome

  • Pencil - bring extra for your stand partner

  • Extra Reeds: have different strengths, you don’t want reeds that are too hard or soft. Depending on the climate of the space your reeds will react differently be prepared.

  • Have a back up synthetic reed

  • Sand paper/ or reed adjustment tools: Don’t bring the whole tool shed but having some strips of sand paper and a couple of tools can go a long way.

  • Extra Thumb rest: I can’t tell you how many of these things I’ve lost

  • Light weight music stand

  • Screwdriver: You should have a small one in your case at all times. I use one that came with a glasses kit.

  • Small pouch (for reeds/materials I need on stage)

  • Cork Grease

  • Swab: I actually have a swab in each gig bag that I have.


  • Scarf or Cardigan: Playing while freezing never feels good so bring a light one nothing too bulky.

  • Chapstick

  • Seat cushion (if you need a boost in height or have a bad back this can be helpful)

  • Snack (nothing messy)

  • Water: Have a water bottle that can close without leaking or spilling.

  • Headphones

  • Extra charger for phone/tablet

  • Hot hands (keeps your hands warm): this can be a life saver, you can get these at the pharmacy or drug store.

  • Powder (if you get sweaty palms)

  • Book/Magazine (for rehearsal breaks)

  • Coffee Thermos 

Well there you go, and that’s my two cents.


New Year Old Self


Embrace Your Limits and Be in The Moment